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Steps to freedom in Christ

The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a key element in the effectiveness of the discipleship process.


Focus Verse:  James 4:7 Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 


Objective: Based on the foundational Biblical truths taught in this course, the Steps to Freedom in Christ is a process of repentance so that you can resolve personal and spiritual conflicts by submitting to God and resisting the devil, and thereby experiencing your freedom in Christ.


Christ has set us free (Galatians 5:1), but we will not experience that freedom without genuine repentance. Confession (admitting that we did wrong) is the first step to repentance, but on its own it is not enough. We must submit to God and resist the devil. We must also make a choice about what we believe and how we are living, and decide to change. If we want to grow in Christ, we must choose to renounce the lies we have believed and any sin in our lives, and announce our choice to believe that what God says is true and start to live accordingly.


The Steps to Freedom in Christ has the following benefits:


  • The method is transferable because it doesn’t require experts – it can be facilitatedby any reasonably mature Christian who is walking in freedom.

  • It produces lasting result because the “freedom-seekers” are the only ones making the decisions and assuming personal responsibility, rather than a pastor or counselor doing it for them.

  • It doesn’t bypass the person’s mind.

  • The focus in on Christ and repentance. The real issue isn’t Satan, it is God and our walk with Him.


The seven Steps are seven issues that are critical between ourselves and God.


Step 1:  Counterfeit vs. Real - Renouncing all involvement (past or present) with occult, cult, or false religious teachings or practices

Step 2: Deception vs. Truth  - Acknowledging area where your heart has been deceived and recognizing any defense mechanisms or other hinderances to receiving truth.

Step 3: Bitterness vs. Forgiveness  - Listing any and all persons with whom you have been offended or hurt in order to extend forgiveness and be free from bitterness.

Step 4: Rebellion vs. Submission – Recognizing any patterns of rebellion against authorities in your life and repenting of such words or actions.

Step 5: Pride vs. Humility – Addressing strongholds of pride or willfulness that have hindered your spiritual growth and maturity.

Step 6: Bondage vs. Freedom – Acknowledging areas where the flesh has ruled, specifically sexual sins and addictions.

Step 7: Curses vs. Blessings – Recognizing generational patterns  / curses and declaring blessing over your household and family.


Three key principles to understand about The Steps:


  1. This is a truth encounter not a power encounter.

  2. Individuals must assume responsibility.

  3. We are teaching a way of life not just a course for information sake.






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steps to freedom in christ

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